Continent-wise Analysis of Research Productivity in Limnology with Activity and Priority Index

a scientometric study


  • S. Gunaseelan Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu
  • C Ranganathan Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu


Activity Index, Limnology, Priority Index, Scientometrics


The Activity Index (AI) and Priority Index (PI) values for the six continents are examined in this study. There are seven continents, but we have only included six continents here because the remaining continent, Antarctica, hasn’t contributed anything to this area’s publications. This study looks at the AI and PI value of Limnology research publications at the continental level. The continents like North America, Europe, and Africa, which produce the majority of the year’s output, have a higher AI and PI value. The Oceania continent had a higher AI and PI value for sixteen years, while the remaining sixteen years had a lower index value. The South
American and Asian continents, which produced the majority of the year’s output, have lower AI and PI values.




How to Cite

Gunaseelan, S., & Ranganathan, C. (2023). Continent-wise Analysis of Research Productivity in Limnology with Activity and Priority Index: a scientometric study. College Libraries, 37(II), 27–39. Retrieved from



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