Application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the Literatures on Coastal Agricultural Research 2016-2021
Bradford's Law of Scattering, Coastal Agricultural Literature, Coastal Agricualtural Research, Citation AnalysisAbstract
The study has conducted between 2016 to 2021 and covers 178 journal articles with a total of 3974 citations contributed by 774 authors. These have been published in volume 34, no. 1 to volume 39, no. 2 of the source Journal, Coastal Agricultural Research. An analysis of the different forms of literature, subject-wise distribution, ranking of the top 29 cited journals, and the application of Bradford’s law in Coastal Agricultural Research literature has been made. Results indicate that major forms of literature are journal 2556 (64.318%), followed by Books 946 (23.805%) and Website 162 (4.076%). Coastal Agricultural Research has published an average of 22 articles per volume. The average number of citations appeared at 331.167 citations in each issue. ‘Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research’, published in India, tops the list with a tally of 82 (3.208%) citations, ‘Current Science’ with 42 (1.643%)
citations, published in India and followed by ‘Aquaculture’ with 31 (1.213%) citations from the Netherland as the third position. Bradford’s Law is not fit well in Coastal Agricultural Research literature.