Short Message Library Services in Indian Institutes of Technology Libraries in India


  • B. P. Singh Research Scholar, Dept. of Library & Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi
  • Margam Madhusudhan Professor, Dept. of Library & Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi


Mobile Library Circulation Services, Mobile SMS Notifications, Short Message Service (SMS), IIT Libraries


The main objective of the study is to evaluate the implementation of Short Message Service (SMS) in libraries of 23 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). The survey utilized a structured questionnaire, offered both in person and as a web form via Google Forms, to collect data from 23 LIS professionals. Divided into four sections, the questionnaire aimed to capture LIS professionals' experiences with SMS-based library services. The responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in five tables. The study indicates that IIT libraries in India are progressively adopting mobile SMS technology to meet user demands. More than half of the libraries surveyed (56.52%) offered SMS-based library services, while others were in the implementation stage. The main purposes for enhancing circulation services into "mobile- based document renewal/reservation" services include providing seamless and expedited renewals/reservations (73.90%), improving user experience (65.20%), and reducing queueing (60.90%). This research provides valuable insights for future enhancements in library services using mobile technology and suggestions for enhancing mobile SMS library services to stratifying user information needs instantly.




How to Cite

Singh, B. P., & Madhusudhan, M. (2024). Short Message Library Services in Indian Institutes of Technology Libraries in India. College Libraries, 39(3), 14–22. Retrieved from



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