Application of Scientometric Indicators on Author Productivity with the Special Reference of Scientometrics Journal


  • M. Thamaraiselvi Research Scholar Department of Library and Information Science Srimad Andavan Arts and Science College (A), TiruchirappalliResearch Scholar Department of Library and Information Science Srimad Andavan Arts and Science College (A), Tiruchirappalli
  • S. Lakshmi Librarian and Head Srimad Andavan Arts and Science College (A), Tiruchirappalli
  • M. Manthiramoorthi Librarian and Information Assistant (Grade I) Anna Centenary Library, Chennai


Dimensions Database, Lotka's Law, Pareto's Principle, Price's Square Root Law, Scientometrics Journal, 80X20 rules


The present study has attempted to examine the application of scientometric indicators on author productivity in Scientometrics journal. The data was collected from the dimension database from  012 to 2021. Scientometric indicators such as most impact authors, most cited authors, most cited sources, Lotka’s law, Price’s square root law and Pareto’s 80/20 rules, etc. A total of 2500 articles were published in Scientometrics journal during the study period. The study has revealed that 4.99 as the average year of the document, 14.48 as the average citation per document, 2.22 as the average citation per year per document and 41153 as references cited in the documents, single authored documents as 299 and multi-authored documents as 3673. Overall 7119 (3972) authors appeared in the scientometric journal. It has also revealed that 0.629 as documents per author, 1.59 as authors per document, 2.85 as co-authors per document and 1.82 as collaboration index. The most impact author is Abramo G contributed 17 papers with h index (12), g index (17), m index (1.091) and total citations (332). Bornmann L is the most cited author in scientometrics journal with a total citation of 307. The highest number of articles are cited from Scientometrics Journal (18084) and ranked first. The study has also concluded that Lotka’s law fits the sample whereas Price’s square root law and Pareto’s principle do not fit the data set.




How to Cite

Thamaraiselvi, M., Lakshmi, S., & Manthiramoorthi, M. (2023). Application of Scientometric Indicators on Author Productivity with the Special Reference of Scientometrics Journal. College Libraries, 37(I), 45–55. Retrieved from



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