Libraries2024-12-17T16:09:39+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>“College Libraries”, a peer-reviewed quarterly research journal is published by the West Bengal College Librarians' Association (WBCLA). The journal started its scholarly journey in 1983 under the title “College Librarian” but in 1991 the title was changed from "College Librarian" to “College Libraries”. The journal obtained the ISSN: 0972 -1975 in 1998 and enlisted in UGC-CARE list from 14th June 2019. Before UGC-CARE Enlisted, it was in UGC Approved listed [UGC Approved Journal No. 41162] since January 2017.</p> <p>The articles which have been published in this Journal focused on academic problems and issues germane to college and university libraries as well as all burning issues related to Library and Information Science. “College Libraries” also provides a forum for authors to present research findings and where applicable, their practical applications and significance; analyse policies, practices, issues and trends; speculate about the future of Librarianship. The received articles are thoroughly reviewed following the double-blind peer-reviewing process along with similarity index checking and formatting of articles as per author guidelines. The similarity index is checked following the parameter provided by the University Grants Commission (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2018.</p> <p>Now “College Libraries” is also a <strong>gold open-access</strong> journal. The West Bengal College Librarians' Association (WBCLA) always strives to take utmost care for continuous quality enhancement of the journal “College Libraries”. The journal aims to impart a link between research, scholarship and reflective professional practices. “College Libraries” is indexed in Indian Library Science Abstract (ILSA). For more details visit the journal website <a href=""></a></p> Comparative Analysis of Open-Source Discovery Tools Used in the Next Generation Library Cataloguing System2024-12-17T14:49:14+00:00Debarata Barmanbarman@gmail.comAnirban Duttaanirban@gmail.comParthasarathi<p>This article evaluates the features and usability of open-source discovery tools, pointing out the benefits and drawbacks to assist librarians in determining the best tool to improve the single- window experience and make library operations run more smoothly. A comparison study looks at open-source discovery tools based on their features, such as search-enhancing tools, support for standards, and library automation modules. This study determined that VuFind is the most comprehensive open-source discovery tool because of its extensive functional features and ability to integrate easily with current library systems. This unique study evaluates open-source discovery tools for next-generation library cataloguing systems that provide insightful information for libraries by emphasising the best tools like VuFind-after carefully examining their features, usability, and integration potential.</p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Message Library Services in Indian Institutes of Technology Libraries in India2024-12-17T15:08:09+00:00B. P. Singhsingh@gmail.comMargam<p>The main objective of the study is to evaluate the implementation of Short Message Service (SMS) in libraries of 23 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). The survey utilized a structured questionnaire, offered both in person and as a web form via Google Forms, to collect data from 23 LIS professionals. Divided into four sections, the questionnaire aimed to capture LIS professionals' experiences with SMS-based library services. The responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in five tables. The study indicates that IIT libraries in India are progressively adopting mobile SMS technology to meet user demands. More than half of the libraries surveyed (56.52%) offered SMS-based library services, while others were in the implementation stage. The main purposes for enhancing circulation services into "mobile- based document renewal/reservation" services include providing seamless and expedited renewals/reservations (73.90%), improving user experience (65.20%), and reducing queueing (60.90%). This research provides valuable insights for future enhancements in library services using mobile technology and suggestions for enhancing mobile SMS library services to stratifying user information needs instantly.</p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Presence of State Universities of Bihar, India2024-12-17T15:30:24+00:00Anubhaw Kumar Sumansuman@gmail.comMadhu Patelpatel@gmail.comAmit<p>The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the web presence, Web Impact Factor (WIF), Domain Authority (DA), and Page Authority (PA) of the websites of all State Universities of Bihar, India. The current study is intended to analyse the 18 websites of State Universities situated in Bihar, India and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools viz., Link Explorer (moz) was used to collect the required data for the study. Manual website visits were also done to collect the relevant data Magadh University scored the highest SWIF and RWIF, with 13,150 and 0.500, respectively. Purnea University scored the highest SLWIF of 0.59, indicating a strong internal linking structure, while Jai Prakash University (JPU) has the highest ELWIF of 1.06, reflecting high external visibility. Very few studies have been conducted on the state universities of Bihar. So, it is an attempt to fill this research gap. Authors, Administrators, and Webmasters may benefit from this study.</p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Research in India2024-12-17T15:40:15+00:00Swapan Paulswapan@gmail.comBidyarthi<p>The study aims to analyze the growth, impact, and trends in LASER research in India from 2004 to 2023. Methodologically, the study uses bibliographic data from the Scopus database, examining 38,313 publications. Scientometric tools like RStudio (BiblioShiny) and VOS viewer were employed for citation-based and network analyses, visualizing collaborative and thematic networks. The findings reveal a 9.68% annual growth rate in publications, with contributions spread across 3,685 sources. Collaborative efforts are significant, with 6.06 co- authors per document and a 23.48% international co-authorship rate. The Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology leads institutional contributions (1,271 publications), and key authors like Choudhary R.J. significantly drive research output. This study provides valuable insights into the dynamic nature of LASER research in India, highlighting interdisciplinary impacts, active collaboration, and significant contributions to global scientific advancements. positioning India as a leader in LASER.</p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Initiatives of Rabindra Library, Assam University2024-12-17T15:46:58+00:00Hauminlunhauminlun@gmail.comCh. Ibohal<p>This study aims to assess marketing initiatives undertaken at the Rabindra Library of Assam University, focusing on marketing strategies, tools and techniques used, user satisfaction, users' perception of marketing and a SWOT analysis. The survey method was adopted for the study, along with a structurally designed questionnaire to collect data from the librarian and the user community. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed randomly within the library premises, and 184 duly filled-in such questionnaires were received. The study found that the library practices traditional marketing techniques, such as orientation programs, outreach, pamphlets, etc., and modern techniques, such as websites, social networking sites, e-mails, etc. The assessment also reveals that the users have a strong perspective on marketing the library services and products. The study suggested conducting marketing surveys regularly to understand users' need, appointment of well-trained library professionals with marketing backgrounds and to improve the library infrastructures, products and services to attract users.</p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 and Satisfaction of the Users of National Diary Research Institute (NDRI) Library, Karnal2024-12-17T15:51:53+00:00Anil Kumaranit@gmail.comJoginder<p>This paper investigated the attitude and satisfaction of users regarding information resources and services of NDRI library, Karnal. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. This study found that 76.62% of the respondents were satisfied with books, followed by 74.03% with electronic theses & dissertations and circulation services. The majority of respondents have a positive attitude towards the various facilities offered by the NDRI library. Further, a significant number of respondents faced problems such as lack of guidance and training, slow internet speed and unavailability of full-text documents. This study made some recommendations such as improving internet speed and accessibility will support more comprehensive research efforts, ultimately contributing to improved academic outcomes for the NDRI library users.</p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Satisfaction on Library Services of Barasat College Library, West Bengal2024-12-17T15:56:30+00:00Prakash Rabi<p>This study examines the students' levels of satisfaction with library services at Barasat College Library, West Bengal. This study uses a structured questionnaire method. It collects data from 873 respondents and analyses the filled-in data from the questionnaire using a Likert scale. The study shows that both categories of users, male and female students, primarily use the library to read and borrow books. The results reveal with the similar pattern in resource distribution, circulation service, or staff availability among the student categories, but notable differences exist in opinions concerning the internet service as well as library infrastructure. The male students expect more on the issue of accommodation with more seats, high-speed internet, and air conditioning, whereas female users are relatively more concerned on Bengali version books and drinking water. The study reveals that the library should consider the varying perceptions and desires of each user's category.</p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Research on Health Literacy of LGBTI Community2024-12-17T16:00:25+00:00Rekha RVrekha@gmail.comRahul K<p>The present study analyses the literature on health literacy of LGBTI, to understand the collaboration trends on this research area. The data for the study was collected from the Scopus database and analysed using Excel, Bibexcel, and VOS viewer. Results show that in the case collaboration with other countries the United States comes first followed by the United Kingdom. The organization-wise co-authorship shows that only 6 organizations have more than four publications and "Factor-inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Canada" has published the highest number of publications on LGBTI health literacy research globally, with 11 publications and 353 citations. Zeynep Tufekci is the most cited author of LGBTI Health Literacy with 771 citations. "Twitter and tear gas: the power and fragility of networked protest" is the most cited source among the sources of LGBTI Health literacy with 771 citations. The study's findings provide a comprehensive overview of the emerging trends in author and institute-wise collaboration, and the contributions of different countries.</p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Awareness and Perception on Intellectual Property Rights among Research Scholars of Karnatak University, Dharwad2024-12-17T16:05:19+00:00Savitha K Ssavitha@gmail.comC<p>The study measures the knowledge of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) issues especially about copyright law and plagiarism among the research scholars of science discipline at Karnatak University. The researcher employed adopted survey method and used Cochran formula for selection of sample size. A well structured questionnaire prepared to collect primary data from the respondents. The survey results reveal that though the respondents said they are aware of copyright law and Plagiarism meanwhile the respondents having contradictory opinions about the IPR issues. Knowledge of respondents regarding IPR issues was not satisfactory and hence it is most important to focus on certain areas such as copyright laws, cyber laws, and plagiarism etc., where the concerned authorities must initiate measures to raise the level of the understanding on the IPR and associated issues and to protect them from legal consequences during their research period. The growing importance of Intellectual property rights and related issues in the university</p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Performance of the Indian Journal of Engineering from 2014 to 20232024-12-17T16:09:39+00:00Parameshappa Kenchakallerkenchakaller@gmail.comB. S.<p>The study investigates the scientific productivity of the Indian Journal of Engineering (IJE) as a scientometric analysis parameter. The data collected from website of said journal from 2014-2023 and also Scopus database were only considered from 2019-2023 because this journal was indexed from 2019. The journal had the highest published articles with 55 (15.406%) in 2016. A maximum of 193 analysis papers and Sarsam S. I. has the highest number of 17 papers published. With 129 two-author papers published and secured zone 1, the journal received 78 citations, h and g-index 3 with a 0.5 m-index, and a total publication of 199 results from the Scopus database since 2019. The top most, with 73 articles was contributed by Nigerian researchers. Highly cited paper, Prediction of diabetes in adults using a supervised machine learning model, by Upadhyay S. in 2023, the Federal University of Technology. Akure, Nigeria, had the highest number of articles published, and Asphalt concrete is the most common keyword, indicating a focus area. This paper could be helpful to study further core journals that the scientific community and academic institutions of developing countries have performed.</p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024