Content Analysis of Library Webpages of NAAC Accredited “A” Grade Colleges under West Bengal State University:

a study


  • Manas Saha Librarian, Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya Habra-Prafullanagar, West bengal
  • Shibananda Mridha Librarian, Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya Habra-Prafullanagar, West Bengal


Collge website, Content analysis, Library resources, Library webpages, NAAC, West Bengal State University


A library webpage is a vital platform to disseminate and integrate the respective library resources and services to meet the users’ needs. The principal objectives of this research work are to examine the accuracy and comprehensiveness as well as accessibility and user friendliness of the library webpage, which are totally based on its resources, facilities, and services. The data have been accumulated through searching, browsing, and analysing the eight NAAC accredited "A" grade college websites and respective library webpages between July 2022 and October 2022 with the help of a well-structured checklist based on an earlier
study conducted by different experts. Most of the library webpages are static in nature and provide inadequate information about their resources and services in a scattered way. No library ranked in the "excellent" category, but most of the college libraries secured either the "very good" or "good" category. The information about frequently asked questions (FAQ) is totally absent, as are the very few library webpages that provide information on study materials, rare books, etc., which are very useful for library users. So, this research work will certainly help the library and information science (LIS) professional and college authorities to upgrade their existing library webpages as well as to develop and design new library webpages.




How to Cite

Saha, M., & Mridha, S. (2023). Content Analysis of Library Webpages of NAAC Accredited “A” Grade Colleges under West Bengal State University:: a study. College Libraries, 38(I), 58–69. Retrieved from



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