ICT Infrastructure and Use of E-resources in the College Libraries under West Bengal State University


  • Paramita Sen Librarian Chandraketugarh Sahidullah Smriti Mahavidyalaya, North 24 Parganas
  • Subarna Kumar Das Professor Department of Library and Information Science Jadavpur University, Kolkata


ICT Infrastructure, E-Resources, Academic Libraries, College Libraries, West Bengal State University


College libraries have different level of users like students, faculties, staff etc. The libraries need different types of documents like text books related to the syllabus of the students, reference books, journals etc. It is very important to measure the growth of academic libraries in terms of services through ICT.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assess the present information and communication technology infrastructure and the contemporary use of electronic information resources in college libraries under West Bengal State University. Only the Govt. and Govt. aided general degree colleges are included here.
Methodology: Structured questionnaire and observational visits in the libraries are used for data collection. Structured questionnaire for the library staff is prepared to obtain data.
Findings: From the analyzed data we can see that a majority of colleges located in rural areas, some colleges have good number of students, all the colleges get librarian, most of the colleges are shifting from manual to automation process, maximum of them are using Koha software. N- list is the only subscribed source of e-books and e-journals in maximum colleges. There are many problems like lack of professionally skilled library staff, low budget for e-resource subscription, poor network connectivity, and space problem for making e-zone for the users etc. The study will be helpful to evaluate the present situation of the infrastructure of ICT and use of
electronic resources such as e-journals, e-books etc. by the users of the college libraries in West Bengal.
Originality: The study will be helpful to evaluate the present situation of the infrastructure of ICT and use of electronic resources such as e-journals, e-books etc. by the users of the college libraries in West Bengal.




How to Cite

Sen, P., & Das, S. K. (2023). ICT Infrastructure and Use of E-resources in the College Libraries under West Bengal State University. College Libraries, 37(II), 70–77. Retrieved from http://collegelibraries.in/index.php/CL/article/view/75



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