Human Resource Management in Private Engineering College Libraries of West Bengal

a study


  • Amiya Kumar Das Librarian, Deshapran Mahavidyalaya, Purba Medinipur
  • Bidyarthi Dutta Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Vidyasagar University


Academic library, Engineering college libraries, Human resource management, Library management


The present study was conducted on private Engineering college libraries of West Bengal to explore the Human Resource Management (HRM) usually practiced by them. This study is an attempt to identify the present status of human resources, professional qualification, pay scale,
gross salaries and human resource management practices prevalent in the private Engineering colleges. The study was based on primary as well as secondary information. A questionnairebased survey was used for data collection. From the seventy (70) private Engineering colleges,
the researchers selected four hundred and thirty-one (431) library staff including librarians based on the total library staff to collect their valuable responses. One research hypothesis was formulated to guide the study and the obtained data were analysed usingMSExcel. Means, and standard deviations were used as descriptive analysis, while ANOVA test was used in testing the hypothesis at a 0.05 level of significance. The study has found that, (i) present staff strength was found to be inadequate; the majority of the library is without any professional degree; the majority of staff are drawing their remuneration as per the management scale, and the majority of library staff are drawing salary below Rs. 10000.00 per month. (ii)There was also no significant difference in professional, semi-professional and non-professional staff in respectof human resources management practices among the staff in private Engineering college libraries ofWest Bengal.




How to Cite

Das, A. K., & Dutta, B. (2023). Human Resource Management in Private Engineering College Libraries of West Bengal: a study. College Libraries, 38(II), 76–85. Retrieved from



Research Articles