Career Prospects for Library and Information Professionals in India

analysis of job advertisement


  • Pooja B Patel Librarian, Indian International School (IIS-DSO), Dubai
  • Geeta Girish Gadhvi Senior Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Gujarat University


Career, India, Job advertisement, Library and Information Science Profession, Librarian, LIS Portal, LIS job prospectors


This study aims to generate various aspects of the LIS job market and analyses the demand for LIS professionals in recent and future times. This study is carried out through the LIS portal, which is an online platform for advertising job opportunities in the LIS field. In this study, the data has been collected and represented in the form of tables and charts for the various aspects such as, month-wise, age-wise, designation-wise, category-wise, education-wise, sector wise
and so on. It has been found that majority of jobs are created in the month of April and more opportunities are given to the general category than any other. Moreover, Librarian designation is given more preference than any other designation. In this paper findings of the study have been discussed in depth after the data analysis.




How to Cite

Patel , P. B., & Gadhvi, G. G. (2023). Career Prospects for Library and Information Professionals in India: analysis of job advertisement. College Libraries, 38(II), 86–97. Retrieved from



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